March 13 - Philippians 3:17-4:1

The coach takes the child aside with the ball. She tells her, “Grip the ball this way. Watch how my arm rotates over my shoulder. See how my wrist snaps at the very end. Now you do it!”

Much of life is imitation. We learn to talk by listening and imitating. We get the idea to walk by seeing our parents or siblings walking. Imitation can even form our life of faith.

Paul says, “Imitate me.” He urges us to copy his doctrine, his way of life, his worship, his faith, and especially his trust in Jesus as his savior.

The first name for the Christian faith was simply, “The Way.” Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life, and those who believed in him were known as followers of The Way. I think that sounds much more compelling than Lutheran, Catholic, Presbyterian, or any other denomination’s name. When Jesus called the disciples he said, “Follow me.” They followed the way he led, the way he taught, the way lived, and the way he believed.

To be sure, following Jesus the way that Paul followed Jesus means that his teachings would match Jesus’ teaching. True doctrine is very important. Paul’s life, however, also followed Jesus’ life. It modeled his actions. When both doctrine and life imitate Jesus that is when we are standing firm in the faith. We will be trusting in Jesus for our salvation and striving to live godly lives as the Holy Spirit guides and empowers us.

To imitate Paul is to imitate Jesus. It is to hope in Jesus’ death and resurrection, and to live a life that displays our faith and forgiveness.

Where do you struggle to imitate Jesus and Paul? How do the teaching of the Scripture shape the way you live your life? Has imitating a fellow believer every helped you understand God’s Word better?

Dear God, you called Paul to be an apostle who imitated Jesus, and, as he did so, he called us to imitate him. Thank you for examples, for godly men and women who we might imitate and learn from for our own walk of faith. Forgive us for the many times that we have imitated the world rather than our Lord Jesus in the way we live, talk, and believe. Shape us and form us so that we will be better imitations of Jesus so that others might truly meet Jesus through us. In his name we pray. Amen.  
