March 15 - Four Things on Friday

Four Things on Friday
March 15, 2019

An Interesting Article/Podcast
Timothy Keller is one of the leading thinkers among pastors and is the founding pastor of Redeemer Presbyterian Church in Manhattan – a tough place to do evangelism!

This article, which includes a brief video from Keller, highlights three key challenges to evangelism today: needing sensitivity, needing courage, and overcoming indifference. Having read the article it seems to me that we will need prayer and patience to sharing our faith.

You can read the article by clicking the link above.

Quote I’m Pondering
Idolatry offers a substitute for the Triune God. “This means finding substitutes for the Father and his work of providence, the Son and his work of redemption, and the Holy Spirit and his work of enlightening those who believe.” – Michael A. Lockwood, The Unholy Trinity, CPH.

One Good Thing This Week
The columbarium is installed! When we approved this project last year, I really thought it would be finished in a few months. I am thankful that I was wrong! After investigating our initial opportunity to get a columbarium the committee found that the structure we were considering was not appropriate for us. They set about doing the due diligence of finding the right kind of structure for our property, along with a host of other logistics that I hadn’t considered early on.

I like putting checkmarks next to completed projects, so it feels good to see this one completed. That being said, I am so very thankful for the dedicated group of people who used their time and talents to get this job done. They include: Gordon Hardy, Bob Brantsch, Becka Koudelka, Phyllis Duer, and Wen Anderson.

Well done!

Our Scripture readings for the Second Sunday of Lent are:
Over the years, I have learned that those who read the Scripture lessons and spend a little time thinking about them before church on Sunday get more out of the service.
The sermon is: Mend Your Ways

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