March 18 - Luke 13:1-9

Reading: Luke 13:1-9

We do not know the specifics of terrible events that Jesus referenced in this account, although there are historical records from the time that record events like these, including a massacre of Galileans that could be the cause of the conflict between Pilate and Herod referenced in the Passion account.

People have always asked why bad things happen, and they have often thought that the reason was God’s punishment for sin. That is not completely wrong. There are earthly consequences for our sin that can be truly tragic. Just as often, others’ sins hurt people, as is the case of a thief or a drunk-driver.  

The real problem Jesus is addressing is that people see bad things happen to others and then they assume that the victim’s sin deserves such punishment, but they themselves do not. They cannot win such a comparison game. “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” Jesus calls us to repent, that is, to turn away from sin.

In the parable he told afterward, however, it is clear that God is patient with us and tends to our life and growth. He does not simply give up on us, but he cares for us like a gardener helping us to grow and produce the fruit he desires.

Where is God working in your life to help you repent? Where is he helping you grow?

Lord Jesus, you warn us that we need to repent of our sin, and also show us God’s patience. Thank you for teaching us to repent and for comforting us with your Father’s persistence. Forgive us for being slow to turn away from our sin, and help us to live in your mercy. Amen.
