April 12 - Four Things on Friday

Four Things on Friday
April 12, 2019

An Interesting Article/Podcast
Pastor David Maier: Forward in Hope
David Maier is the president of the Michigan District of the LCMS, and I got to know him a little while I was there. He is currently a candidate for president of the whole LCMS. I appreciated his comments on Luke 20:9-20 since we had just discussed this parable in Bible Class a few weeks ago. I found his questions, about half-way through, to be thought provoking and timely. I also think that his focus on mission is a very important part of our conversation right now.

Quote I’m Pondering
“God’s Mission is God’s mission.” – Christopher Wright in The Mission of God.

One Good Thing This Week
Our Preschool Director, Megan Polak, is serving on an accreditation committee for a school and pre-school in Painesville. I served on one of these committees years ago. It is a lot of work. What Megan is doing with the committee adds real value to the ministry of that school in Painesville, just as he work is truly valuable here at Gloria Dei.

I find myself very thankful for our staff. Our mutual desire to share the love of Jesus where God gives us the opportunity is very encouraging and uplifting. We are blessed to have people who love the Lord, love our congregation, and love the work they do. This, sadly, is not the case in every congregation and every staff, but for us it is a good thing!

Our Scripture readings for Palm Sunday are:
Over the years, I have learned that those who read the Scripture lessons and spend a little time thinking about them before church on Sunday get more out of the service.
The sermon is: I Am He
