Normally the devotions that I post here focus on the
appointed readings for the upcoming Sunday. Because this week is Holy Week, I
felt it would be good to do something a little different. I will pick up the
account of Jesus’ last week right after The Triumphal Entry (Luke
19:28-40) and select readings to help us meditate on Jesus’ preparation for
his crucifixion and resurrection.
Jesus wept over Jerusalem. Jesus drove the moneychangers
from the Temple. These seem to contrast Jesus sorrow and anger. In truth, they
reveal his love.
Jesus weeps for Jerusalem because he knows that they are
about to reject him and, thereby, reject their savior. This will mean their
destruction. When you love people who are destroying themselves it breaks your
Jesus drove out the moneychangers because they were in
the way of those who had come to pray and to worship. Contemporary Jewish
historians like Josephus commented on the location and the nature of this
commercial enterprise. We know there was price gouging and we know that the
market spilled over into an area that had been set aside for non-Jewish people
(Gentiles) to worship God. Jesus’ anger flows from his love for the people who
are being treated unjustly and for the mistreatment of his Father’s house.
Jesus’ love causes him to weep, compels him to drive out
the moneychangers, and it leads him to the cross.
Where have you experienced Jesus’ love?
Lord Jesus, help us
know your love, meditate upon it, be moved by it, and be changed to be more
like you. Help us believe that you love us and help us to be in awe at the
depth of your love. Amen.