April 18 - Luke 22:7-46

Maundy Thursday, that’s what we call today. The meaning of the word, “Maundy” is largely lost to history. We think it is a corruption of the word “mandatum” from the Latin, meaning commandment. In John 13:34, Jesus says, “A new commandment (Mandatum novum) I give to you, that you love one another….” Mandatum and Maundy sound similar … if you stretch your imagination a little and consider who pronunciations can change across time and geography.

What is actually important, however, is not so much the name we have given to the day. More and more people simply refer to today as Holy Thursday. What matters is what Jesus did. The Last Supper. Washing the disciples’ feet. Instituting the Lord’s Supper. Giving that new commandment. Praying in the Garden of Gethsemane.

As your read, pray for the Spirit of God to open the Scriptures to you. Pray to understand the gravity of these events, and to receive the benefits Jesus has placed in them.
