What a powerful passage to ponder as we prepare to
remember Jesus’ passion!
It speaks to humanity’s brokenness. They have
lots all hope in their gods.
It declares God’s almighty power. No one can
deliver out of his hands.
It points to God’s mercy. He vindicates and has
compassion on his people.
It places death and life (in that order) before
us foreshadowing the cross and resurrection.
When have you experienced the hopelessness of feeling
that your power was gone? How has Jesus shown you compassion?
Lord God, none can
deliver from you hand so you acted in compassion to save us from your wrath.
Jesus took our place and we experienced your compassion. Thank you! Forgive us
for our trust in things that cannot save us or deliver us. Help us to see you,
the one who kills and makes alive, at work in our lives through Jesus’ death
and resurrection. Let his death be our death, and his resurrection our new
life. Amen.