May 10 - Four Things on Friday

I did not post any devotions this week. My apologies. I hope to be back to publishing on Monday. 

An Interesting Article/Podcast
This article is from a blog that I subscribe to called, Science in Congregations. I am fascinated by the conversation between science and religion. I’ve also been intrigued by the way each has, at different times, operated in harmony with or opposition to one another. I don’t know a lot about Drew Rick-Miller, the Lead Editor, beyond that he studied physics and English literature at Northwester University and continued his education at Princeton. His writing reveals that he passionate about both science and faith, and I found this little article that delves into some of the philosophy found in the scientific community interesting and thoughtful.

Quote I’m Pondering
Regarding the ideal of the Christian life, the, “ideal shifted from self-denial to self-love, from self-love to self-culture, from self-culture to self-mastery, and from self-mastery to self-realization.”  - Rev. Dr. Michael A. Lockwood

If he is right, that is a really significant change.

One Good Thing This Week
Last Sunday was Confirmation Sunday and six young people stood before the congregation and confessed their faith in Jesus. That is a beautiful thing.

Our Scripture readings for Fourth Sunday of Easter, which is also Mother’s Day, are:
Over the years, I have learned that those who read the Scripture lessons and spend a little time thinking about them before church on Sunday get more out of the service.
The sermon is: Hear, Follow, Saved, Protected
