May 22 - Revelation 21:9-14, 21-27

What will heaven be like? I have been asked that question many times. People have many ideas about heaven. For some there is the image of angels, clouds, harps and a lot of white robes. For some, their image is entwined with reunions with loved ones. Others envision scenes of idyllic nature. John presents us with a picture of a city filled with the glory of God, where gold is used like asphalt, and doors are made of enormous pearls.

What is the point of this picture?

The gold and jewels speak of how majestic and beautiful God’s grace and glory are, and they show that he shares this glory with us his people. The twelve gates with the names of the tribes of Israel and the twelve foundations with the names of the Apostles show us that heaven is for all believers of all time – from both the Old and New Testament.

Did you notice there was no temple there? The temple – or church – is the place we go to meet with God. It will be unnecessary. God will be right there. Our Lord Jesus will be physically present with us.

The gates are never shut because there will be no more danger to us – no temptation, no sin, no enemies.

There is, however, a concerning word. We are told that nothing unclean will ever enter it, nor anyone who does what is detestable or false, but only those who are written in the Lamb’s book of life.

In our culture people like to imagine that everyone goes to heaven. That is just not the case. Jesus warned us to enter by the narrow way and later said that he is the Way. Those who are written in his book are those who believe in him and trust in him for forgiveness of their sins. We thank God that our names are written in that blessed book, but the knowledge that some names are not in there raises the urgency to share the Good News of the Lamb’s death and resurrection, to introduce our neighbors to God who wants to share his glory with them, and to shine the light of Jesus’ salvation in their lives.

What do you think of when you imagine heaven? How might this picture of heaven encourage you to share the message of God’s salvation with others?

O God, you provided us with a picture of the church with you in eternal glory. Thank you for the beauty and promise that you reveal to us in the Revelation, and for the hope that it gives us as we walk by faith in a fallen world. Please cleanse us of all uncleanness. Remove from us anything that is detestable or false. Forgive our sins, which would keep us out of the Lamb’s book of life. Keep us steadfast in faith and help us to share the hope that is within us with our neighbors. In the Lamb’s name, the name of Jesus, we pray. Amen.
