Four Things on Friday - July 26

Four Things on Friday
July 26, 2019

An Interesting Article/Podcast
I did my senior history thesis on Dietrich Bonhoeffer when I was in college, and I have long been fascinated with this Lutheran pastor who resisted the corrupt government of his time to remain faithful to Jesus. I knew there were others, like Bonhoeffer, who resisted the Nazi doctrines that were infiltrating the church, and who suffered for their resistance. I had not, however, heard about Pastor Ernst Lohmeyer until yesterday. I’m adding his biography, Between the Swastika and the Sickle, to my reading list. In the meantime, here is an introductory article about a pastor who remained faithful to Jesus under the Nazis and Soviets.

Quote I’m Pondering
“To him who has the Son Scripture is an open book; and the stronger his faith in Christ becomes, the more brightly will the light of Scripture shine for him.” – Martin Luther, Treatise on the Last Words of David, found in The Unholy Trinity by Lockwood

One Good Thing This Week
I wasn’t here to experience it, but the Upward Football and Cheerleading Camp is definitely a good thing. I know that the love of Jesus was shared with kids and people had the opportunity to use their God-given talents and abilities to his glory!

Our Scripture readings for the 7th Sunday after Pentecost are:
Over the years I have learned that those who read the Scripture lessons and spend a little time thinking about them before church on Sunday get more out of the service.
Luke 11:1-13
Genesis 18:20-33
Colossians 2:6-15
Psalm 138

The sermon is: The Art of Living By Faith: One God
