September 13 - Four Things on Friday

Four Things on Friday
September 13, 2019

An Interesting Podcast
This is easily the longest title for a podcast that I’ve seen! Neiuwhof is a good interviewer, and David Kinnaman is one of the best informed and deepest thinkers on culture and generational changes around. Kinnaman is the president of the Barna Group. He is the co-author of the ground breaking book, Unchristian: What a New Generation Really Thinks About Christianity … and Why It Matters. He also wrote You Lost Me. Why Young Christians Are Leaving Church … and Rethinking Faith. He doesn’t pull punches about the situation the Church is in and the struggle of attracting and keeping the younger generations, but he also speaks with hope.

Quote I’m Pondering
“Escape is our primary drug of choice today. The sheer hours that we spend streaming television, playing video games, escaping the reality of our lives is a way that we drown out the pain.” – Kinnaman

One Good Thing This Week
This week there have been several groups of preschool moms here at church helping to prepare materials for the preschool classrooms. I don’t know the full extent of their work, but I saw them doing a lot of cutting of intricate designs which the teachers will use in their lessons with the children. All told there were probably a dozen moms enjoying one another’s company, working together, and getting to know one another. The Preschool Board provided coffee and snacks for the ladies, and their support for the preschool and these moms was obvious. It was beautiful to see the combination of service, fellowship, and fun supporting a good cause.

Our Scripture readings for the 14th Sunday after Pentecost are:
Over the years I have learned that those who read the Scripture lessons and spend a little time thinking about them before church on Sunday get more out of the service.

The sermon is: Sheep and Shepherd
