October 11 - Four Things on Friday

Four Things on Friday
October 11, 2019

An Interesting Article/Podcast
Virtue in the Wasteland: Narcissism and Sociology
I don’t normally like to return to the same podcast two weeks in a row, but it seems to me that one of the other major maladies of our culture, along with nihilism, is narcissism. The hosts of this show are joined by a friend (and former Gloria Dei member!), Dr. Kristen Koenig to discuss narcissism and how it plays out in sociology.

A little backstory might help: The hosts of the show took an online inventory that showed that one was way more narcissistic than the other. In previous episodes they discuss narcissism with a classics professor and a psychology professor, but behind much of the conversation is the fact that the host scored much higher for narcissism than the others who took the online inventory.

Quote I’m Pondering
“The Christian cannot simply take for granted the privilege of living among other Christians.” – Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Life Together

One Good Thing This Week
There are bulldozers in front of the church. At a meeting with the city engineer last week they gave us approval to install the silt fence, and that was done yesterday. So, it is exciting to see some activity!

There is a lot of activity that you can’t see, too. There have been multiple emails and phone calls with city officials, the builder, architect, engineers. Ryan and Dave are hard at work to keep on top of all the activity.

Our Scripture readings for the 18th Sunday after Pentecost are:
Over the years I have learned that those who read the Scripture lessons and spend a little time thinking about them before church on Sunday get more out of the service.

The sermon is: Family
