Comfort, Comfort Ye My People (v. 4)

Johann Olearius, 1611-84, tr. Catherine Winkwork, 1827-78

Make ye straight what long was crooked;
Make the rougher places plain.                                                Plain – a flat area of land
Let your hearts be true and humble,
As befits His holy reign.
For the glory of the Lord
Now o’er earth is shed abroad,
And all flesh shall see the token                                              Token – proof, sign
That His Word is never broken.

               Parents sometimes tell their children to, “straighten up!” when they misbehave. God’s message in Isaiah 40 is similar. There is a difference. When parents tell their children to, “straighten up!” it is often accompanied with a threat of punishment. God’s call to straighten our ways and to smooth out our rough spots is a response to His comfort and peace.
Our hearts have a tendency to curve inward in our sinful nature. We need to be straightened. Our rougher spots need to be smoothed. These are images of repentance and our efforts to obey God’s call to prepare for Christ’s coming – both His birth and His return. This is a right response to the Lord’s reign. It is right, however, not because of God’s command, but because of His love and mercy.
The token of that love and mercy is Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection. In the Advent Season we prepare for Jesus’ birth celebrating that God, “became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.” (Jn 1:14) and we live with joy because He will come again, and we get to share the hope of message that God keeps His promises. 

               O God, You never break your word, and your Word, Jesus, is always faithful. He has won our salvation and has won glory through His victory over sin and death. We pray that all people will see the proof of Your love and the hope You give us. Let all people see the manger as proof that You desire to be among us. Let all people see the cross as proof that You love us and redeem us. Let all people see the empty tomb as the proof that Jesus has won the victory for us all. Amen. 

Remember that Advent is a time of generosity. Consider how you might be generous with the blessings you have received from God. Part of that is giving of money, but it is also giving your time. How might you be generous with your time as you live in God's love and prepare for Jesus' return? 
