March 19 - Gloria Dei COVID-19 Update

Hello Everyone,

Some updates on how we are responding to COVID-19 at Gloria Dei. I posted a 17 minute video that covers these items in detail on YouTube. You can watch it here.

Here is a bullet point list of topics.

The Office
·        Business continues, but the needs of our staff make regular hours a challenge.
·        The staff is meeting on Saturday to discuss how we will handle hours.

Preparations for “The Worst”
·        On Saturday a small group will be recording three worship services that will be posted at appropriate times so we can all gather around God’s Word.

The Lord’s Supper
·        We are used to having the Lord’s Supper at all of our Sunday services, but we will not have it the next two Sundays.

·        We will get back to having the Lord’s Supper soon.

·        Remember that there are three Means of Grace: The Word, Baptism, and the Lord’s Supper.
·        God is still at work in your life through the Word and Baptism.

Opportunities to Hear the Word
·        I am posting and recording Morning and Evening devotions at They should be up at by 4:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. each day.

·        Bob is investigating ways to get Sunday School and Bible Study materials to you.

·        We encourage you to look for opportunities to pray together, talk about faith and hope while we face frustrations and fears.

Stay Connected
·        Text a word of encouragement to someone.

·        Call a friend – “How are you? Do you need anything?”

·        Call someone tonight.

·        Remember we have people who will shop for those 

who need the help.
·        As we gather online for worship
o   Post a picture of your family gathered for worship
o   Comment and say hello

I’m sure we will be doing more of these updates in the days to come, but for now, please pray for one another and remember that everything is going to be okay. Christ has won the victory.

Yours in Christ,
Pastor Tritten
