April 24: Four Things on Friday

Four Things on Friday
April 24, 2020

An Interesting Article/Podcast
The Cure for Cabin Fever: Tips for Clearing Quarantine Head Fog with Dr. Betsi Little from Protect Your Noggin 

Dr. Little brings her expertise in positive psychology to bear to help people deal with the negative impacts of the “Stay At Home” orders we are living under. She gives some insight to help us get through the difficulties of being stuck at home, losing our mobility, constantly being with family members … whom we love, but might love more if we could be with them a little less; if you take my meaning.

Quote I’m Pondering
“Stacking interventions on top of each other will allow us to move around with more freedom and get Ohio back to work while we maintain our safety.” – Dr. Mark Weir, OSU – I’m thinking about this because I really want us to get back to public worship.

One Good Thing This Week
We had a staff meeting! There were a handful of us in the Luther Room – properly physically distanced – and a couple others joined us on Zoom. It was good to be together to commiserate, to pray, and to look to the future.

Our Scripture readings for the Third Sunday of Easter are:
Over the years I have learned that those who read the Scripture lessons and spend a little time thinking about them before church on Sunday get more out of the service.

The sermon is: Was It Not Necessary?
