May 1: Four Things on Friday

Four Things on Friday
May 1, 2020

An Interesting Article/Podcast
I can’t remember if I’ve shared this podcast before, so if this is a repeat, I apologize. I’m sharing it today because the Christian History Almanac just finished a full year of episodes (366 of them since it was a leap year) and they are starting season two today. I am love history – particularly church history – so I get an interesting story about an event that took place on this day or a person who is somehow connected to this date, there is a reading of a bit of poetry or a thoughtful piece of narrative, and Dan van Voorhis, the author and narrator of the podcast, ends every episode with the statement, “The rumors of grace, forgiveness, and the redemption of all things are true. Everything is going to be okay.” It’s a good reminder.

Quote I’m Pondering
“Everything is going to be okay.” – I remind myself of this often, and remember why.

One Good Thing This Week
There have been several, but I’ll share this one.

Yesterday I came into church and found Amy Tubergen and Becka Koudelka in the sanctuary decorating the pews wit pieces of paper. Megan Polak heard me say that it was hard preaching to an empty church, so she suggested that the sanctuary should be decorated with pictures of our members. So that’s what Amy and Becka were doing; putting pictures of the members of the congregation on the pews very near where folks usually sit on Sunday mornings.

I only got a little emotional. Honest.

Also, the rumor that the congregation has never kept their eyes open so well during one of my sermons is salacious and simply untrue! ;-)

Our Scripture readings for the Fourth Sunday of Easter are:
Over the years I have learned that those who read the Scripture lessons and spend a little time thinking about them before church on Sunday get more out of the service.

The sermon is: Gathered by the Shepherd
