October 6, 2021 - Midweek Message


Midweek Messages

October 6, 2021


This week’s sermon will be:

Entrusted with an Inheritance


This week’s readings are:


Amos 5:6-7, 10-15


Hebrews 3:12-19


Mark 10:17-22


Psalm 90:12-17

Message Notes: 

What are some things you have inherited?


As Christians our first and greatest inheritance is the Gospel.

-        Reconciliation with God.

-        Forgiveness of sins.

-        Everlasting life.

-        All for Christ’s sake as a gift received by faith.


The Gospel comes to us through the Word.

-        Doctrine is sometimes seen as a dirty word.

-        It means “teaching” and it is very important

o   Jesus is God

o   Mark 10:18

o   John 10:33

o   Jesus’, “I Am” Statements

-        Connected back to God’s Word – God’s teachings are essential.

o   Two overarching categories:

§  Gospel

·       Christ crucified, risen, and returning for you

§  Law

·       Two Tables/Relationships

o   God and Neighbor

·       We tend to focus on neighbor – and Gospel lesson does, too

o   Morality – Amos, Hebrews

o   Justice - Amos

o   Wisdom - Psalm 90

·       Wisdom draws us back to our relationship with God.


Which part of God’s Word do we want to pass on – like an inheritance – to the next generation?

-        Law?

o   Which part?

o   Neighbor?

o   God?

-        Gospel?

o   If at the expense of the Law, what is the value?

o   If sin is set aside, why does anyone need forgiveness?

-        The entirety?


Which part have we been entrusted with?

-        Truth

-        Commandments

-        Law, Prophets, Apostles

-        Jesus Himself.


Psalm 90 – teach us to number our days

-        This is a matter of death and life.

-        Seek good, not evil - Amos

-        Hate evil, love good – Amos

-        Follow Jesus - Mark
