Midweek Message - Advent


Midweek Messages

November 24, 2021


This week’s sermon will be:


This week’s readings are:

Jeremiah 33:14-16

1 Thessalonians 3:9-13

Luke 21:25-36

Psalm 25:1-10


Happy Thanksgiving!

Entering a New Church Year

-        Three Year Lectionary

o   Flows from the Gospel readings

§  Last year – Mark

§  This year - Luke

o   Strengths

§  Read more of the Bible.

§  More texts to explore for preaching – especially the Epistles/Letters

o   Weaknesses

§  Advent I – Either Palm Sunday or the same reading from a different Gospel.

·       Compare Luke 21:25-36 to Mark 13:24-37

§  Sunday of the Passion instead of Palm Sunday to start Holy Week

§  Read more of the Bible

·       Which is better?

o   To know less more deeply, or …

o   To know more less deeply?



-        Not Christmas, but preparing for Christmas

-        The word means, “Coming” or “Arriving”

-        God’s people wait

o   Wait for Christmas – the coming of the promised savior

o   Wait for the Second Coming – the final judgement, the resurrection, new creation

o   Key words: Wait, Watch, Prepare


Waiting, Watching and Preparing for Christ to Come

-        A Morning and Evening Moment

o   Make the Sign of the Cross and say, “In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.”

§  Why?

§  Remember your baptism – your identity.

§  Hear God’s Word.

o   Say the Apostles’ Creed

§  Why?

§  It is a retelling of what God has done – His identity.

§  A Summary of God’s Word

o   Pray the Lord’s Prayer

§  Why?

§  God’s command and promise.

§  Our need.

§  Jesus teaches us how to pray – including what God’s wants us to ask for.

-        Midweek Services

o   December 1 & 8

o   Messages around songs by Michael Card

-        Christmas Cantata

o   December 15

o   “The Song Heard ‘Round The World.”

-        “Christmas: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly”

o   Sunday morning study

o   Gill Solem and Jen Lovesy

-        Gather around the Word and Sacraments


Sharing a little silliness: Gobble Gobble by Matthew West
