Midweek Message - The End pt. 1


Midweek Messages

November 10, 2021

This week’s sermon will be:

Like the Stars

This week’s readings are:

Daniel 12:1-3

Hebrews 10:11-25

Mark 13:1-13

Psalm 16


One of my goals: Highlight some of the Lutheran distinctions in how we conduct ourselves.

-        Confessions – Book of Concord

-        Liturgical – Order of service follows the ancient liturgy of the church, rooted in Scripture

-        Follow the Church Year

o   Advent (Nov/Dec) through the end of the Pentecost Season (Nov).


November 14 and 21 are the last two Sundays of this Church Year.

-        November 28, the Sunday after Thanksgiving, is the first Sunday of the new Church Year.

-        November 24 – Thanksgiving Eve service, 7 p.m.


The focus of these last two Sundays revolves around The End.

-        Mark 13 – related to comments about the Temple and the coming Judgement.

-        Hebrews 10 – encouraging one another as you see the Day drawing near.

-        Daniel 12 – speaks of the resurrection of the dead on the Last Day.


There is a lot of confusion about the end times – and fear.

-        Fueled by strange images and frightening interpretations of Apocalyptic Prophecies.

-        Many have made predictions and tried to “read the signs.”

-        Lutherans tend to view this differently: The end times are now.

o   From Jesus’ Ascension to His Return.

o   From last Sunday’s sermon – “the Great Tribulation is this life.”


These Sundays remind us of some important parts of our life.

-        This life is temporary – the permanent is coming.

-        God’s justice is real – experienced in the cross

-        God’s plan runs from Creation to New Creation

o   Not merely spiritual.

o   Jesus redeems the physical world.


Live with hope. Have peace in the times of trouble. Rejoice in the blessings. Count on Jesus.
