February 16: A Weekly Word - Praying for Kingdom Growth


A Weekly Word

February 16, 2022

This Sunday, February 20 is the 7th Sunday after Epiphany

This week’s sermon will be: Being the Church: Living Toward Resurrection

This week’s readings are:

Genesis 45:3-15

1 Corinthians 15:21-26, 30-42

Luke 6:27-38

Psalm 103:1-13

Message – The Lord’s Prayer: Praying for Kingdom Growth

All through the Epiphany Season we have focused on the ways that God uses us in His mission to spread the Good News of Jesus’ salvation.

-        February 20 – 7th Sunday after Epiphany.

-        February 27 – Transfiguration Sunday.

To wrap up this series I would like to turn our focus to the Lord’s Prayer.

-        Temptation to pray by rote – prefer to pray “by heart.”

-        Luther’s Small Catechism’s Explanations.

-        A loving Father who acts on behalf of his beloved children.

o   Children by redemption/adoption.

o   Children by creation.

First Three Petitions

-        Hallowed be Thy name.

-        Thy kingdom come.

-        Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Hallowed be Thy name.

-        Proclaiming who God is.

-        Sharing the Good News.

-        Living our lives according to it.

o   Living in forgiveness

Thy kingdom come.

-        Three Kingdoms

o   Power

o   Glory

o   Grace

-        The Holy Spirit gives us faith to believe God’s Word.

-        A sense of living in time and eternity.

-        God’s vision for the church

o   A place to gather sinners in His grace.

There is a saying that our prayer forms our faith.

-        The Lord’s Prayer is both prayer and God’s Word.

-        Think about what we pray.

-        Jesus teaches us to pray, “Our Father…”

-        The Holy Spirit shapes our hearts and attitudes.

-        Father answer our prayers.


-        Matthew 9:37 – The harvest is great, but the laborers are few. Pray therefore …”

-        Name hallowed.

-        Kingdom come.

-        Will be done.

-        All of these are done without our prayers.

-        We want these things done among us.

-        Missio Dei – God’s Mission – and we follow along as He does His work.

