March 30: A Weekly Word - Devotion to Creation


The message for today's Lenten Worship is A Beautiful Resistance – Prayer and Solitude.

This Sunday, April 3, is the Fifth Sunday of Lent and the sermon will be: Knowing the Enemies of Your Soul – The World pt. 1

This week’s readings are:

Isaiah 43:16-21

Philippians 3:4-14

Luke 20:9-20

Psalm 126


Growing Up in Northern Michigan

-        In the 1970’s pop cans at the beach.

-        In the 1980’s Michigan instituted a 10¢ deposit.

-        All of a sudden, a lot of beaches and ditches got cleaned up!

Devotion to Creation

Christians are not generally well known for our care and concern for the Creation – and that is too bad!

-        Partly this is a stereotype.

-        Partly this comes from a sense of the penultimate.

-        Partly this is political and an example of our politics replacing Christian doctrine.


The Bible teaches us that God is the Creator and the world, and everything in it, are His creation.

-        We are creatures – and we hold that in common with every living being.

-        We are in a creation which we receive with:

o   Gratitude.

o   A Sense of stewardship.

-        This world is ending and we live here as aliens and strangers – people with a promised eternal home.

o   Jeremiah 29:7 – But seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the LORD on its behalf, for in its welfare you will find your welfare.

o   Loving your neighbor undergirds Devotion to Creation.

There are Christians who take hold of this teaching of the Bible and are devoted to the care of the earth.

-        Cleaning up litter.

-        Dealing with invasive plant species.

-        Advocating for preserving natural habitats.

-        Fighting pollution.

-        Enjoying creation.


-        April 25 – to replace Robigalia, a pagan ceremony.

-        The Monday through Wednesday leading up to Ascension Day (40 Days after Easter, which is a Thursday).

-        Praying for the protection of the community – including good weather.

-        Praying for crops – services often held at a farm or in an orchard.

An opportunity to rejoice in Creation … and thereby rejoice in our Creator.
