The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe - Introduction


This Sunday, June 12, is Trinity Sunday.

This week’s sermon will be presented by Seminarian Wesley Johnson.

This week’s readings are:

Proverbs 8:1-4,22-31

Acts 2:14a, 22-36

John 8:48-59

Psalm 8

 My experience of the The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe (LWW)

-        T.V. Cartoon – 1979

-        Didn’t read the books until I was adult

o   First they were read to me by my wife Chris.

LWW is set during the London Blitz

-        Children were sent to the countryside for safety.

Main Characters

-        The Pevensie Children

o   Peter

o   Susan

o   Edmund

o   Lucy

-        The White Witch, Jadis

o   The incarnation of evil

-        Aslan

o   The Christ figure


-        Narnia – a land that is always winter and never Christmas.

Lewis spoke of these books being a “supposing.”

-        Suppose there were another world created by God.

-        He uses this world to explore our own story of faith.

o   Touches on themes of the Church Year

§  Advent – waiting

§  Christmas

§  Good Friday

§  Easter

This book can be a neat way to talk to children about faith.

-        Story ties to Scripture.

-        Draws us into themes of the Small Catechism.

-        Not a substitute for Scripture but a bridge to help

o   Receive the bigger story of salvation.

o   Think about salvation from a different angle.
