A Weekly Word - Why Lutherans?

October 26, 2022

This Sunday, October 30, is Reformation Sunday – Remember to wear red!

This week’s sermon is: Our Refuge and Strength

This week’s readings are:

Revelation 14:6-7

Romans 3:19-28

John 8:31-36

Psalm 46

Message: Why Lutherans?

1)     Martin Luther … not Martin Luther King.

a)     The Civil Rights Leader was re-named after the Reformer.

2)     Martin Luther was born in 1483.

a)     Became a monk

b)     Then a priest

c)     Then a professor

d)     Then a reformer of the Church

3)     Lutherans do not follow the teachings of Martin Luther.

a)     Originally, the name was used as a scornful slight.

i)      Like calling U.S. Americans – Yankees.  

b)     We follow the teachings of the Bible.

c)     Much of what Luther taught matches with the Bible … but not all of it.

i)      We like to talk about and cite the good stuff.

ii)    Luther was a very clever man – turned a good phrase and very bombastic.

iii)   We reject the harmful teachings.

4)     Rediscovery of overlooked Scriptural teachings.

a)     Grace Alone

b)     Faith Alone

c)     Scripture Alone

5)     If you want to know what Lutherans teach:

a)     Book of Concord

i)      Small Catechism

ii)    Large Catechism

iii)   Augsburg Confession

iv)   Apology (Defense) of the Augsburg Confession

v)     Smalkald Articles

vi)   The Formula of Concord

b)     Find a Lutheran pastor and have a chat.

6)     So … why Lutherans?

a)     Because we believe that the teachings of this church body – as they are laid out in the Book of Concord – match what the Bible teaches.

b)     Word and Sacrament ministry – focusing on what God does for us.

c)     Not perfect people … and we know it.
