Lenten Prep - Midweek Worship

This Sunday, February 19, is The Transfiguration of Our Lord.

Verse of the Epiphany Season:

Isaiah 9:6

This week’s sermon is A Lamp in a Dark Place

This week’s readings are:

Ex. 24:8–18

Psalm 2:6–12

2 Peter 1:16–21

Matt. 17:1–9

Theme: Lenten Prep – Midweek Worship

“Private devotion is the duty and privilege of the individual. It may well be artless, that is, spontaneous and free. Public worship, on the other hand, is the privilege and responsibility of the church. It must be ordered and administered.” – Rev. Dr. Luther D. Reed

Two Parts of the Life of Faith

            Devotion – Person, Family, Small, Informal – with many variations.

            Public Worship – Congregation, Gathered Believers, Formal – more structured.

Public Worship during Lent

            Sunday Morning – Divine Service

            Wednesday Midweek – an extra opportunity to hear God’s Word

                        A time of special devotion

                        Benefit from hearing, singing, and speaking God’s Word

                        Fellowship with your brothers and sisters in Christ – Soup Suppers

                        Grow in knowledge, faith, and love

Gloria Dei – The life of Moses will guide our sermons.

A closer look at the man God chose to work through to save Israel from slavery, making them his own people and providing for them in the wilderness.

Worship Schedule

            Ash Wednesday – Imposition of Ashes and Holy Communion – noon & 7 p.m.

Wednesdays – noon and 7 p.m.

            Maundy Thursday – 7 p.m., I will be available at noon for those who cannot attend later

            Good Friday – 7 p.m., and the sanctuary will be open – St. Matthew’s Passion?
