Things You Didn't Learn In Sunday School About ... Sarah

This Sunday, June 18 is the Third Sunday after Pentecost

Verse of the Season/Month:

Psalm 100

Let the whole earth shout triumphantly to the Lord!
Serve the Lord with gladness;
come before him with joyful songs.
Acknowledge that the Lord is God.
He made us, and we are his
his people, the sheep of his pasture.

This week’s sermon is Let’s Worship by Pastor Dave Zachrich

This week’s readings are:

Ex. 19:2-8

Psalm 100

Rom. 5:6-15

Matt. 9:35-10:8 (9-20)


Things You Didn’t Learn in Sunday School About … Sarah

When God called Abram, his decision to follow impacted others in his family.

            Lot – his nephew – leaving Lot’s parents behind.

            Most of all Sarai – Abram’s wife

                        Sarai means “princess” – and as Abram became Abraham, her name was changed to Sarah … which also means “princess.”

                        (From here on I will just call them Abraham and Sarah to avoid confusion.)

Sarah was Abraham’s half-sister.

            Same father – different mother

            Weird to us, but perhaps not as unusual in those days.

God had promised Abraham a child – indeed, multiple children!

            Question: Did God promise that Sarah would be the mother?

Sarah was getting anxious about God keeping his promise to Abraham. It had been 10 years, and still no child!

            She decided to … help God out.

            Perhaps she was not to be the mother – she seemed unable to get pregnant

            How to solve the problem? Another woman!

Genesis 16:1-4a - Abram’s wife, Sarai, had not borne any children for him, but she owned an Egyptian slave named Hagar. Sarai said to Abram, “Since the Lord has prevented me from bearing children, go to my slave; perhaps through her I can build a family.” And Abram agreed to what Sarai said. So Abram’s wife, Sarai, took Hagar, her Egyptian slave, and gave her to her husband, Abram, as a wife for him. This happened after Abram had lived in the land of Canaan ten years. He slept with Hagar, and she became pregnant.

There are some serious ethical questions and problems here, right?



            Placing reason over faith

            Not believing

Resist the urge to excuse Sarah and Abraham.

            Just because it is in the Bible does not mean that God approves of the behavior.

            The people in the Bible are … people!

                        We look at Sarah and wonder – “What were you thinking?!?!”

                        We look at Abraham and judge his behavior.

                        We don’t ask: Would we have done things differently?

                                    This is one of the great mistakes of our age.

Desperation? Impatience? Something drove Sarah to put forth the idea.

            Something moved Abraham to agree to it.

                        And Hagar … Hagar got pregnant and had no choice in the matter.

So, Sarah’s plan worked! Right?

            Not so fast.

Hagar got pregnant, but then she began to look on Sarah with contempt

            There could be several reasons for this

                        Pregnancy is not easy, nor was it super safe at the time!

                        No choice

                        She did something her mistress could not do!

Sarah became angry

            She blames Abraham – which is both unfair and fair.

            She also mistreats Hagar – she has the power.

Abraham – does nothing to help.

So poor pregnant Hagar ran away – which we’ll discuss more next week.

Resist hero worship – the “heroes” of the Bible are all sinners (except Jesus) and they live by grace through faith – just like you and me.

            Ever made a bad decision? Commit massive moral failure? Lack trust in God’s promises?

            You’re in good company, and God is faithful. That’s the point of the cross – Abraham’s blessing for all nations.

Trust God’s timing.

            Abraham and Sarah will have a baby – but she’ll wait another 15 years or so.

            Walking by faith – “to the land I will show you.”

                        To the blessing He has promised you. 


I very much liked the story of Sarah, Abraham, and Haggar. Many of the details I didn't learn or have forgotten. It is comforting to know again that God does keep His promises and forgives all of my "goofs", teaching me patience and trust in Him. All thanks and praise to God!
DAP said…
good summary of all I'd forgotten