An Excursus on Lutheran Worship

An Excursus on Lutheran Worship

The Third Commandment in Luther’s Small Catechism

Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. 

What does this mean? 

We should fear and love God so that we do not despise preaching and his Word, but hold it sacred and gladly hear and learn it.

What does this tell us about the purpose and emphasis of the worship service?

Liturgical Christians

Lectionaries and Pericopes

Church Year

What are the upsides of following a liturgical church year?


What are the downsides of following a liturgical church year?

What is emphasized in a model like this?

A Divine Service

-        Invocation

o   Baptism

-        Confession and Absolution

-        The Service of the Word

o   Readings

o   Creed

o   Sermon

-        The Prayers of the Church

o   The Lord’s Prayer

-        The Service of the Sacrament

o   Sanctus

o   The Lord’s Supper

-        Benediction

Hymns and Songs


Wrapping Up

What is one insight/word of comfort/challenging idea that you hope to hold onto from these verses?

How will the lessons learned from these verses impact your faith life? 
